As we draw close to the end of the year 2017 we would like to give our thanks and support to some great folks out there.
I feel like I am about to give a long speech at an award ceremony so bear with me.
First of all – a big shout out to our encouraging family and friends who have no doubt been on the receiving end of all of our trials and tribulations of our new business venture. My dad sent both Sue and I an email when we first began (he is an 84 year young technophobe so believe me, to receive an email through the “net” as he calls it is impressive) and amongst his well wishes he signed off with “fortune favours the brave” As our families know, we didn’t start our business to become millionaires, we did it because our definition of fortune is simply being happy. And we are.
I would also like to thank the great people who gave invaluable advice and have been an absolute pleasure to work with. Wez and his crew from Plates PC, Neil from Neil Phillips Design and to a very special client I will refer to as NB who was the one who inspired us to do this in the first place.
I would also like to say a massive THANKYOU to our absolutely brilliant clients who have given us such an amazing support throughout. You all know who you are, and from the bottom of our hearts we could not have done any of this without you.
We also want to give a huge thank you to our dedicated candidates, we know we put you through your paces and have high expectations – thank you for exceeding them. Big time.
Last but by no means least, thank you to my husband James and to Sue’s daughter Ellie. James – your nagging paid off and Ellie – for entertaining our dogs in times of need!
We wish you an inspiring new year